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Virtual Townhall with Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health

Last Date:

Zoom Platform

Register required: Details: In recognition of the National African American and African Enrollment Week of Action, DC Health Link in partnership with the Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health will host a Noon Day Virtual Town Hall Conversation geared towards communities of color. The Town Hall conversation, “Focus on the Facts: Get Vaxxed, Get Boosted and Get Insured:  A Winning Combination to Protect Your Health,” is designed to address the concerns around vaccine and booster hesitancy as well as share information about the important of and access to health insurance.  For more information about this town hall, contact (insert contact). For more information about DC Health Link, please visit or call 1.855. 532.LINK (5465). Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @DCHealthLink.
Moderator: Mila Kofman, Executive Director Health Benefit Exchange Authority
Opening Remarks: Wayne Turnage, DC Deputy Mayor of Health and Human Services & Vaccine Trial Participant

Panelists –

  1. COVID 19: An Update on the District’s Response - Dr. LaQuandra Nesbitt, Director, DC Health

  2. _COVID 19: Revealing Social and R_acial Inequities in Health Care” - Dr. LaQuandra Nesbitt, Director, DC Health & Diane Lewis, Chairperson, DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority Executive Board

  3. Myths vs Facts: Demystifying COVID- 19 Vaccines and Boosters; Addressing Consumer Confusion and Shifting Guidelines - Dr. Enaruna Tychus, Internal Medicine Kaiser Permanente

  4. A Focus on the Facts: Surviving the Pandemic & the Medical Value of the Vaccines and Boosters- Dr. Tollie Elliott, Chief Executive Officer of Mary’s Center

  5. Now More Than Ever: The Importance of Health Insurance – Mila Kofman, Executive Director, DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority