DC Health Link is joining with Young Invincibles, White House and HHS for “Millennials Week” to drum up interest among young adult volunteers for the third open enrollment period, which begin November 1, 2015. One of the highlights will include a Twitter chat with YI, HHS, and Enroll America on August 26 at 3 pm EST using the hashtag #Bornin89. The Bornin89 campaign is an effort out of HHS to reach young adults turning 26 and aging off of their parent's health plans. The twitter chat will focus on special enrollment information for young adults, as well as a sneak peak of what's coming up for OEP3. You are encouraged to join this campaign and help spread the word. Additional information on the campaign can be found here: www.DCHealthLink.com and at www.hhs.gov/blog/2015/07/01/bornin89-what-happens-my-health-care-when-i-turn-26.html.