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Health Benefit Exchange Authority

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Hispanic Advisory Council Meeting

Last Date:

1789 Florida Avenue, NW
El Tamarindo Restaurant

The DC HBX Hispanic Advisory Council is comprised of influential leaders from a broad cross-section of the Hispanic community who support DCHBX in providing education and outreach to the Hispanic community and assisting with providing access to and enrollment in quality, affordable health insurance to Spanish-speaking and/or immigrant communities, promoting cultural competency, awareness, and appreciation of the Hispanic community, and advising DCHBX on improving communication, representation, motivation, programs, and matters of interest. While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has narrowed racial gaps in access to health care, Latinos are still nearly three times more likely to be uninsured.  Working together during this enrollment period, we can help narrow the health insurance gap in DC. During the meeting, DCHBX will share important ACA and DC Health Link updates and express its sincere appreciation for the Council’s continued support of DC Health Link.  For more information about DC Health Link, please visit or call 1.855.532 LINK (5465). Follow DC Health Link on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @DCHealthLink.