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Give a Toy, Share a Smile” Toy Drive and End of the Year Celebration

Last Date:

441 4th St NW
Marion Barry Municipal Building
Old Council Chambers

DC Health Link has partnered with Mayor’s Office of Asian and Pacific Islander Affair for their 2022 Annual Toy Giveaway and Holiday Celebration. The event is designed to provide unwrapped toys for children (ages 3-15) who would otherwise not have a toy to play with this holiday season. It is believed that toys will stimulate imagination, brain development, self-esteem, social skills, and problem solving. With the help of donors, the event puts smiles on the faces of young children. Light food and refreshments will be served. DC Health Link outreach teams will be at the theater to distribute information to residents attending this event. For more information about DC Health Link, please visit or call 1.855.532 LINK (5465). Follow DC Health Link on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @DCHealthLink.