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Health Benefit Exchange Authority

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DC Health Link @ Enrollment Marathon Weekend – Faith In Action

Last Date:

2200 California Street, NW
Our Lady of Queen of Americas

The District’s faith community has been an invaluable partner in the effort to reach, educate, and enroll consumers in quality, affordable health insurance. They have been engaged in helping spread the word about the January 31 health insurance enrollment deadline. DC Health Link certified Assisters, brokers and volunteers will be onsite after morning worship service at several faith-based institutions to distribute enrollment information, answer questions and enroll uninsured residents in quality, affordable health insurance. Pastors and clergy leaders will speak from their pulpits about the need to be insured and urge their congregants to enroll. For more information about this event, contact Margarita Dilone at [email protected];  (202) 359-3779 or Antonio Guernica at (202) 320.4691; [email protected].  For information about the Enrollment Marathon Weekend, contact Kishan Putta @ [email protected]. For more information about the DC Health Link health insurance marketplace, please visit  or call 1.855.532. LINK (5465).  Follow us on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram @DCHealthLink.