The DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority is issuing a Request for Application (RFA) seeking applications from qualified entities to serve as Navigator Entities in the District of Columbia.
The DC Health Link Navigator Program is a partnership with community organizations that have experience successfully reaching, educating, and enrolling the District’s diverse uninsured and hard-to-reach populations into Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) and insurance affordability programs and which also provide effective post-enrollment and renewal support services to consumers, as appropriate. The Exchange seeks creative and innovative applications from a range of District organizations that have trusted and established relationships, networks, and experience working with uninsured and hard-to-reach population groups.
Under the Navigator Program, the Exchange is making a total of up to $150,000, subject to Exchange Board approval, available for two (2) competitive grant awards. The two grant awards are for one year (October 1, 2015-September 30, 2016) with four option years.
Applications must be submitted by September 8, 2015
Questions submitted by interested organizations and answers will be posted on the Exchange webpage on August 26th at hbx.dc.gov/page/navigator-program.
This is an open call for proposals, and varying types of not-for-profit, for-profit, and other organizations based in the District of Columbia may be eligible to apply. Some examples include, but are not limited to:
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Community Based Health Providers
- Civic Organizations
- Patient and Consumer Advocacy Organizations
- Community Based Human Services Organizations
- Business Associations
- Trade Associations
- Professional Associations
- Cultural Associations
- Legal Assistance Organizations
There is a compressed timeline in order to ensure onboarding in time for DC Health Link’s Third Open Enrollment Period (OEP3) which begins November 1, 2015. For more information and guidelines on how to apply, refer to the Navigator RFA (DCHBX-2015-RFA 01).