Friday, July 19, 2013
Experts will be on hand to share information and answer questions about the new health law; White House official to present opening remarks.
DC Health link is hosting a unique educational opportunity designed specifically for faith leaders across the District of Columbia to discuss the new health law known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA). DC Health Link is the District’s new online market place for quality, affordable health insurance.
Paul Monteiro, Deputy Director of White House Office of Public Engagement will address the audience in the Opening Plenary and share a message from President Obama about the success of the ACA.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Registration begins at 8:30 am
Mt. Vernon Place UMC Conference Center
Mt. Vernon Place UMC Conference Center
900 Massachusetts Ave., NW
(Near the Mt. Vernon Square-7th Street Convention Center Metro Station)
The Faith-Based Leadership Summit was created to engage and inform faith leaders in the District about how the new health law will affect their congregations and communities by providing access to quality, affordable health insurance. A team of experts will also share information and answer questions about the new health care law, health insurance options that will be available through DC Health Link, including coverage through Medicaid. Light refreshments offered.
The Faith-Based Leadership Summit was created to engage and inform faith leaders in the District about how the new health law will affect their congregations and communities by providing access to quality, affordable health insurance. A team of experts will also share information and answer questions about the new health care law, health insurance options that will be available through DC Health Link, including coverage through Medicaid. Light refreshments offered.
For a complete listing of all Town Hall meetings, visit