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Health Benefit Exchange Authority

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DC Health Link Now Offering Dental Coverage to Small Businesses

Friday, April 1, 2016

(Washington, DC) –Today, the DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority (HBX) announced that DC Health Link—the District’s health insurance marketplace—is now offering dental insurance to small businesses and their employees. 

“Group dental coverage is an important benefit we are now able to offer to our small business customers,” said Mila Kofman, J.D., Executive Director of the DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority. “There are five top insurers including Delta, Dentegra, Dominion, MetLife, and CareFirst offering 13 different options through DC Health Link.”

The new dental insurance products are available to new business customers who begin their coverage through DC Health Link on or after June 1 and current business customers who are renewing their coverage on or after June 1. Small businesses can choose one product, all products from an insurer, or any combination of products and insurers to make available to employees. Products include high and low coverage level options, with dental coverage available as low as $14.92 per month. Small businesses decide how much, if anything, to contribute toward the premium. There is no minimum participation or minimum contribution required of a small business. When a small business chooses to offer both medical and dental benefits, the business receives one bill to make it as easy as possible. Dental coverage through DC Health Link is only available to small businesses that offer medical coverage through DC Health Link. 

The functionality supporting these new products is being launched as Beta. DC Health Link invites feedback from customers. 

To see dental plans available to DC Health Link small business customers, visit site.

DC Health Link is the District’s on-line health insurance marketplace established under the Affordable Care Act. Small businesses now have the purchasing power of large companies and can offer choice of insurers and health plans to their employees. There are 136 private health insurance options available for small businesses from Aetna, CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield, Kaiser Permanente, and United Healthcare. Options include HMO, PPO, and Point of Service coverage with no deductibles and HSA-qualified High Deductible Health Plans. When offering a choice of insurers or a choice of health insurance policies, the employer receives one bill to make it easy to offer choice. With the purchasing power of thousands and DC Health Link advocating for lowest possible premiums for our customers, small businesses have saved thousands of dollars on their health insurance premiums. Small businesses can enroll any time during the year. DC Health Link is endorsed by the DC Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Restaurant Association Metropolitan Washington, and the National Association of Health Underwriters.