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DC Health Link is Now Open for Window Shopping

Thursday, October 15, 2020
District residents can now get a sneak preview of 2021 health plans on ahead of the November 1 start of Open Enrollment

(Washington, DC) —Today, DC Health Link, the District’s online health insurance marketplace is open for pre-enrollment window shopping. District residents can take advantage of this opportunity to shop early for 2021 health insurance plans, compare features and find a plan that best fits their needs and budgets. Window shopping is easy, and residents can choose their 2021 health plan in just minutes using the DC Health Link Plan Match tool. Early shopping continues through October 31. Open Enrollment begins November 1.

For 2021, 15 of the 25 health plans from CareFirst and Kaiser Permanente will have lower premiums than in 2020. In addition, standard plans from each insurance carrier allow policy holders to pay no deductibles before accessing many in-network medical services, including generic prescription drugs, primary care visits, specialist visits, urgent care visits, and outpatient behavioral health and substance abuse services.

After selecting a health plan, District residents can get ready to enroll starting November 1 when Open Enrollment begins.

View more information on the value of standard plans.


Open enrollment for residents in the District of Columbia runs from November 1, 2020, through January 31, 2021. Eligible District residents can enroll in a health insurance plan online through or by calling (855) 532-LINK [5465]. Some residents will qualify for reduced premiums. Eligible residents who enroll during Open Enrollment on or before December 15, 2020 will have their coverage effective January 1, 2021. After that date, plan selections made by the 15th of each month during Open Enrollment will be effective on the first day of the following month. Small businesses—as well as individuals and families eligible for Medicaid—can enroll through throughout the year.

In 2019, DC Health Link provided health insurance to about 23,000 residents through the individual marketplace and more than 101,000 people through the small business marketplace. Washington, DC has the second lowest uninsured rate among all states in the nation, with almost 97 percent of District residents covered. Since opening for business in 2013, DC Health Link has helped cut the District’s uninsured rate in half.

NOTE: The District of Columbia requires all residents to have health coverage in 2021, get an exemption or pay a tax penalty on their DC taxes. The penalty is based on the number of months an individual or family goes without health coverage.