What/Who: DC Health Link in partnership with the DC Chamber of Commerce, Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington, the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU), media partners, and the POWERUP DC Small Business Brain Trust partners is hosting POWERUPDC 2022 at the newly designed and constructed Business Conference Center at the MLK, Jr. Memorial Library on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 from 8 am until 2 pm. This is the first in-person POWERUP DC small business forum since 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The 8th Annual POWERUP DC National Small Business Forum—“BOOST UP AT POWERUP: Keeping Your Business Healthy and Growing,” will focus on how small businesses can succeed in the COVID-19 pandemic era. The format of the session is designed to provide small businesses, women-owned businesses, non-profit organizations, faith-based institutions along with youth and young adult entrepreneurs with information, tools, tips, and opportunities to grow and succeed as they re-imagine and innovate ways of doing business in this new—and ever changing—era.
Rosie-Allen Herring, President and Chief Executive Officer of United Way National Capital Area (United Way NCA) will deliver the keynote address. Antonio Doss, Director of the US Small Business Administration, Washington Metropolitan Area District Office, will provide an update on what strategies small businesses can use and what SBA resources are available to them to succeed in the COVID-19 pandemic era.
The speaker and participant lineup includes distinguished business leaders:
- Rosie-Allen Herring, President and Chief Executive Officer, United Way National Capital Area (United Way NCA)
- Antonio Doss, Deputy Associate Administrator, US Small Business Administration
- Sybongile Cook, Director of Small Business Development, Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
- Kristi Whitfield, Director, DC Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD)
- Eduardo Perdormo, Director, Mayor’s Office of Latino Affairs
- Jacqueline Noisette, Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA)
- Drew Hubbard, Director, Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
- Alexis Squire, Director, Serve DC
- Charles H. Motte, Jr. MBA, PMP, Associate Director, DC Small Business Development Center Network, Howard University
- Angela Franco, President/CEO, DC Chamber of Commerce
- David Walker, Publisher, Washington Business Journal
- Denise Rolark Barnes, Publisher, Washington Informer
- Stefanie Magness, Legitpreneur Academy
- Michael Charles, SolutionsMET
- Garry Johnson, Entrepreneur / MBA Student, Howard University
- Lisa Anderson, Anavo
- Michael Cohen, Suitless
- Janette Gallardo, Vitta Solutions
- Liz Sara, President, SCORE Foundation
- Brad Ryant, COO at The Sanctuary at Kingdom Square Church
- Tonya Holmes, Finance Manager, Sanctuary at Kingdom Square Church
- David Bowers, VP of Mid-Atlantic Market & Sr. Advisor, Faith-Based Development Initiative for Enterprise Community Partners
- Maria Fernanda Borja, Latino Student Fund
- Imani Joye Sanders, Owner of Huru
- Mindelyn Anderson, Founder & Principal, Mirror Group, Walker’s Legacy DC WWE Graduate
Along with the speed-networking session where business experts will provide information and business coaching and mentoring, POWERUP DC will provide strategic planning information unique to new businesses and start-ups, established businesses, non-profits and faith-based organizations, and women business owners.
Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 8 am-2 pm
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library (Business Conference Center)
901 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
To register for POWERUPDC 2022, go to https://dchealthlink.com/powerupdc2022
Background: Small businesses are major contributors to the strength of the American economy. Every year they employ more than half the private work force nationally, create new jobs, and drive a majority of American innovations as well as increase US competitiveness. The small businesses of Washington, DC are no exception and it is important to support their growth as they contribute to our local economy and community. “POWERUP DC” is an initiative developed by DC Health Link to provide access to various business support systems and networking opportunities through a range of cutting edge seminars, panel discussions, and focused presentations from experts in business.
DC Health Link’s business partners are the Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GWHCC), the DC Chamber of Commerce (DCCC), and the Restaurant Association Metropolitan Washington (RAMW). DC Health Link Small Business Brain Trust participating partners are the Capitol Hill’s Chamber of Commerce (CHAMPS), DC Department of Consumer & Regulatory Affairs (DCRA), DC Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (DISB), DC Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD), DC Small Business Development Center Network Howard University, Department of Housing and Community Development (DCHD), DC Main Streets Program, DC Women’s Business Center, Latino Economic Development Corporation (LEDC), Life Asset, Great Streets Program, The Mayor’s Office on Volunteerism and Partnerships (Serve DC), Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED), Mayor’s Office on African Affairs (MOAA), Mayor’s Office On Latino Affairs (MOLA), US Small Business Administration (SBA), Washington Area Community Investment (WACIF), and Washington DC Economic Partnership.