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Brokers & Bagels at Restaurant Association Metropolitan Washington

Last Date:

1625 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006
RAMW Offices

DC Health Link business partner, Restaurant Association Metropolitan Washington,  is presenting the second Brokers & Bagels Open House at RAMW headquarters.  This open house will have a certified broker on site to answer questions or schedule enrollment times for businesses.  Bagels will be provided by Buffalo & Bergen from Union Market.  At the event, licensed certified broker, Stephanie Cohen will provide RAMW’s small business members and employees. With free enrollment assistance and information about health insurance through  the District’s online health insurance marketplace, DC Health Link.  Questions will be answered and information about Small Business Health Options (SHOP), tax credits, and the insurance purchasing power that small businesses now have through DC Health Link will be provided.  For more information about small business enrollment and to get a copy of the enrollment checklist, please visit or call 1(855) 532-LINK (5465).  Download the DC SmallBiz mobile app at iTunes and Google Play and follow us on twitter @DCHealthLink.
For more information about this event, please contact Jackie Ludden at [email protected] or (202) 297-9054

Jackie Ludden
(202) 297-9054