801 Mt. Vernon Place, NW Washington, DC
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
DC Health Link business partner, DC Chamber of Commerce will host a DC Health Link information table at the DC Chamber of Commerce 2020 Small Business & Economic Development Summit to provide in-person education, information about the Special Enrollment Period and answer questions from business owners and entrepreneurs about DC Health Link, the District’s online health insurance marketplace. Each year the DC Chamber of Commerce honors the success of small businesses who have contributed to the business and economic growth of our community. Chamber members and community partners, are encouraged to submit nominations in any or all six of the award categories. Participation in the awards program is a great experience for both the business owner and employees as well. For more information contact. Margaret Singleton at [email protected]. For more information about DC Health Link Small Business marketplace, please visit www.DCHealthlink.com or call 1.855.532. LINK (5465). Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @DCHealthLink..