701 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Navy Memorial
DC Health Link @ Mayor Bowser's 2023 Diwali Celebration
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Navy Memorial
701 Pennsylvania Ave NW
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Navy Memorial
701 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Details: DC Health Link will participate in the District’s 8th Annual Diwali Celebration (Festival of Lights) hosted by the Mayor’s Office on Asian & Pacific Islander Affairs (MOAPIA). The celebration will include a lamp lighting ceremony, cultural performances, networking opportunities, and food sampling. This event is part of MOAPIA’s continued efforts to draw in members of the Indian American and South Asian communities, and actively engage them with District Government. It’s also designed to amplify the Bowser Administration’s #DCvalues and embrace diversity and inclusiveness. DC Health Link OEP information fliers will be distributed at this event. For more information about 2023 Diwali Celebration, please contact the Mayor’s Office Asian and Pacific Islanders Affairs at [email protected] or 727-3120. For more information about DC Health Link, please visit dchealthlink.com or call 1.855.532 LINK (5465). Follow DC Health Link on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @DCHealthLink.