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Get Covered at Ben’s with Onsite Enrollment /Live Remote

Last Date:

1213 U Street, NW
Ben’s Chili Bowl

Details: DC Health Link partnered with Ben’s Chili Bowl to inform residents about the January 31 open enrollment deadline. As customers enjoy Ben’s famous chili and other delicacies, they will learn more about health insurance plans offered through and the importance of enrolling in quality, affordable health insurance. From 1 pm – 4 pm, assisters will be onsite to answer questions and provide enrollment support. Branded DC Health Link promotional products will be distributed to customers. Local radio personalities will be on location to spread the word via the air waves.  
1 pm – 3 pm WKYS 93.9 (Urban One) with Marky Mark
3 pm – 6 pm - WPGC (iHeart) with DJ Akademiks
6 pm – 9 pm WDCN (Costa Media) with Pedro Biaggi and Ary Mondragon
For more information about Get Covered at Ben’s and additional activities of Enrollment Marathon Weekend, contact Kishan Putta @ (202) 320.0058; [email protected]. For more information about the DC Health Link health insurance marketplace, please visit or call 1.855.532. LINK (5465).  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @DCHealthLink

11:00 am – 10:00 pm
Ben’s Chili Bowl Onsite Enrollment /Live Remote
1213 U Street, NW

Lit DC Health Link partnered with Ben’s Chili Bowl to inform residents about the January 31 open enrollment deadline. As customers enjoy Ben’s famous chili and other delicacies, they will learn more about health plans offered through and the importance of enrolling in quality, affordable health insurance. Assisters will be onsite to answer questions and provide enrollment support. Branded DC Health Link promotional products will be distributed to customers. Local radio personalities will be on location to spread the word via the air waves.  

On-site Enrollment - 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Radio Personalities On Location
11:00 am – 1:00 pm EL ZOL 107.9
Personality - Particia Delima
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm WMMU  Majic 102.3
Personality Deja Perez
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm WDCN 87.7 FM
La Nueva
Personalities -Pedro Biaggi and Ary Mondragon

Vida Ali

Linda Wharton Boyd
(202) 351.9777

10:00 am – 2:00 pm

House of Worship Mobile Lit Drops
Street Teams Papering Cars  
Ward 5
Ward 7
Ward 8

Enrollment Lit Drop and Fliers on cars near local houses of worship – DC Health link Street Teams will be in designated neighborhoods near worship centers to post enrollment flier on car window shields and speak with residents about enrolling in quality, affordable health insurance though DC Health Link before the January 31st deadline.

Kishan Putta

Kevin Jones

12:00 Noon – 3:00 pm

Brunch Bash
Ben’s Next Door - 1211 U St., NW

Tent Cards on tables and Lit Drop
Participating establishments will place DC Health Link information tent cards on restaurant tables. As diners await their meal orders, they will have the opportunity to take a moment to review the table tent cards and use the QR code to check out health insurance plans with premiums as low as $13/mos.

Ishi Patterson Stuart
[email protected]