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Health Benefit Exchange Authority

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Knock, Knock Neighborhood Canvassing: Each One Link One

Last Date:


1:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Ward 5 – Carver Langston
Ward 7 – Deanwood
Ward 8 – Congress Heights
Details: DC Health Link Street Teams will cavass neighborhoods to speak with residents and to place enrollment information door knockers about DC Health Link enrollment deadline on door handles. Residents will be encouraged to enroll in health plans and to share information with uninsured relatives, friends, and neighbors linking them to quality, affordable health insurance. For more information about this event and Enrollment Marathon Weekend, contact Kishan Putta @ [email protected]. For more information about the DC Health Link health insurance marketplace, please visit or call 1.855.532. LINK (5465).  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @DCHealthLink.