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While building a successful restaurant business is hard work, finding affordable, quality health insurance for your business doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re self-employed, working from home, or an owner of a small restaurant business with multiple employees, RAMW can help with the challenges of finding and getting health coverage. Meet with experts during our virtual Broker+Business Connect Q&A session, an open forum designed to directly connect small business restaurant owners and operators to a licensed agent/broker, to learn and ask questions about securing health insurance coverage for themselves and their employees through DC Health Link, the District’s online health insurance marketplace. During the session, small business restaurant owners and operators will be provided with information on the various affordable group health insurance plan options from trusted carriers currently available on the small business marketplace. They will also learn about incentives to encourage employer-sponsored enrollment. With FREE expert enrollment support from licensed agents/brokers who will help assess their needs, small business restaurant owners and operators will also receive personalized recommendations along with the right tools to find the best health insurance solution for themselves and their employees. Best of all, the licensed agents/brokers will walk small business restaurant owners and operators through the hassle-free, online application, and enrollment process. For more information about this event, please contact [email protected] or call 202-331-5990. For more information about DC Health Link Small Business marketplace, please visit or call 1.855.532. LINK (5465). Follow DC Health Link on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @DCHealthLink